Friday, June 18, 2021

Way finding navigation.

Hi  Bloggers today i am going to tell you about wayfinding navigation so can you read this?

The navigators are very impressive because they can find a new island just from the                    sun,moon,stars,clouds,sea,dolphins,fish to just find another island that is impressive.Because they can use those things to go another island without a cellphone map a compass or GPS.They are also respectful to their people, land and most importantly environment.Navigators are like Jedi nights and they were born to go to other islands if it is safe to go and they look around and live there.

Navigators are sailors who write about what island and where they travel, and the island they found.

They explore the island and create a home on the island.

Navigators use the stars like Matariki to find their way. Matariki is also called pleiades and it has eight siblings and they are called Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipunarangi, Waitī, Waitā, and Ururang Pohutukawa and Matariki is the mother of all the eight sibings and matariki helps the navigators. what was challenging for me was writing so much about navigators and matariki.      (here is a photo of matariki)

Thank you for reading



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