Thursday, July 8, 2021

term 2 reflection

 kia ora blogers  this is my writing.

I am feeling good about next term. 


  1. Hi Parth, I am Daniel and I am an Ako Hiko Ambassador. You are one of the five people I am commenting on this week. I really like how you made the picture nice and easy to read. I really like the font you used. What is it called? Maybe next time you could add a description explaining how you did it. Overall amazing job Parth. Keep It Up! If you want to go to my blog visit

  2. Hi Parth I really really like the font you chose and also the colour. It makes it look old and ancient and it really caught my eye. I think though maybe next time you should try and use fonts that are a little bit easier to read. Have a good day.

    Kind regards


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